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Meirion Jones

Meirion Jones was born in Dyfed, and attended the Dyfed College of Art and the University of Wales. He went into the teaching profession for a decade until he decided to concentrate on his art full time in 2002. Much of Meirion’s work is very much inspired by Wales, both rural scenes and the beautiful West Wales coastline, as well as having a Latin American influence thrown into the mix. His preferred medium is acrylic on board.

Mae mwyafrif y gwaith yn deillio o syniadau sy’n cael eu cywain yng Ngorllewin Cymru, fel arfer o fewn taith awr i Aberteifi, er dw i wedi creu tipyn yn America Ladin hefyd. Mae’r themȃu yn newid yn gyson, ac o ganlyniad, yr arddull hefyd. Mae’r gwaith newydd yn gwyro at y gwleidyddol gan fy mod i’n cael fy llethu gan y newidiadau cymdeithasol a demograffig yn y Gorllewin.


Most of the work is inspired by ideas gleaned from West Wales, usually within an hour’s drive from Cardigan, although I have painted in the Americas too.  The subject matter changes constantly, and consequently the way I apply paint also changes. The direction of travel is going towards the political as I am affected by the social and demographic shifts in the West.

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